Tuesday, July 28, 2009

dear, dear i.ly

ello my girl..

just some words of encouragements..

dont be so sad k?

this time round, i will definitely try to make it to your convocation day..

but i hope u wont go so far after this last semester of yours...

*me so sad*

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My DeaResT i-Ly

What should i tell you.. First things first...
*shouting at the top of my lungs* OI POMPUAN!!!!
*big grin* Now that i seem to have your undivided (yeah rite) attention... Lets begin..

Dear i-ly,

I hope you have a great time while you B /&or ur BF was here.. I regrettably apologize for not being able to meet him in person as i said i would but i couldn't make the time.. SORRY sis..

Anyway, lets get on and end this 'skemaness' of mine...

Aku harap ko OK la skarang memandangkan ko da ade org yg ko sygi... But at the same time aku harap ko x-kn keciwe lg... *sigh* Eventhough he's far away... i'm sure-lah die igt ko punye.. So dont get yer hopes down too much!!

If u ever get sad or anythin just come n see me.. Boleyh la start sedekah kat 'alien' yg jantinanye lelaki.. hehe... which reminds me.. 5 January 2010... i noe it n u noe it too...

I Love Ya' !!