Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A WomAn'S DiCtIonAry

Argument (ar*gyou*ment) n. A discussion that occurs when you're right, but he just hasn't realized it yet.

Airhead (er*hed) n. What a woman intentionally becomes when pulled over by a policeman.

Bar-be-que (bar*bi*q) n. You bought the groceries, washed the lettuce, chopped the tomatoes, diced the onions, marinated the meat and cleaned everything up, but, he, "made the dinner."

Blonde jokes (blond joks) n. Jokes that are short so men can understand them.

Cantaloupe (kant*e*lope) n. Gotta get married in a church.

Clothes dryer (kloze dri*yer) n. An appliance designed to eat socks.

Diet Soda (dy*it so*da) n. A drink you buy at a convenience store to go with a half pound bag of peanut M&Ms.

Eternity (e*ter*ni*tee) n. The last two minutes of a football game.

Exercise (ex*er*siz) v. To walk up and down a mall, occasionally resting to make a purchase.

Grocery List (grow*ser*ee list) n. What you spend half an hour writing, then forget to take with you to the store.

Hair Dresser (hare dres*er) n. Someone who is able to create a style you will never be able to duplicate again. See "Magician."

Hardware Store (hard*war stor) n. Similar to a black hole in space-if he goes in, he isn't coming out anytime soon.

Childbirth (child*brth) n. You get to go through 36 hours of contractions; he gets to hold your hand and say "focus,...breath...push..."

Lipstick (lip*stik) n. On your lips, coloring to enhance the beauty of your mouth. On his collar, coloring only a tramp would wear...!

Park (park) v./n. Before children, a verb meaning, "to go somewhere and neck." After children, a noun meaning a place with a swing set and slide.

Patience (pa*shens) n. The most important ingredient for dating, marriage and children. See also "tranquilizers."

Waterproof Mascara (wah*tr*pruf mas*kar*ah) n. Comes off if you cry, shower, or swim, but will not come off if you try to remove it.

Valentine's Day (val*en*tinez dae) n. A day when you have dreams of a candlelight dinner, diamonds, and romance, but consider yourself lucky to get a card

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I FeeL TouChed

Today, i felt bored n finally found an earphone so that i can listen to some music. I couldn't be bothered to change all the song inside the PC to english songs so i just listened to all the chinese songs n some japanese. korean even hindi!! I can't believe that i could actually find those kind of music on this PC at my work place. 

Anyways, as usual, work is very hectic so i dont mind whatever song comes on as long as it helps me calm down while doing my work. After shuffling thru a lot of paperworks here n there, i suddenly heard a song that made me feel so touched all of a sudden. I kept thinking wondering where i heard that song from. Then it hit me~~ i remembered once that My Darling sang along to this song in the car and told me the meaning of the lyric.
The memory of it just a put a smile on my face. Made me feel so happy to hear the song remembering the lyric n remembering the way he sang along to it.. Of course the song is called "the one and only" so, i think anyone would feel sentimental over this~~ :P 

Here it is~~ ENJoY~~!!
Wang Lee Hom - Wei Yi

我的天空多麼的清晰 Wo de tian kong duo me de qing xi
My sky is so very clear...
透明的承諾是過去的空氣 Tou ming de cheng nuo shi guo qu de kong qi
The transparent promise is the air of the past
牽著我的手是你 Qian zhe wo de shou shi ni
The one holding my hand... is you
但你的笑容 卻看不清 Dan ni de xiao rong Que kan bu qing
But I cannot see The smile on your face...

是否一顆星星變了心 Shi fou yi ke xing xing bian le xin
Can it be that a star has had a change of heart?
從前的願望 也全都被拋棄 Cong qian de yuan wang Ye quan dou bei pao qi
All the desires and wishes of the past Have been thrown away, abandoned
最近我無法呼吸 Zui jin wo wu fa hu xi
Lately, (I find) it impossible to breathe
連自己的影子 都想逃避(逃避) Lian zi ji de ying zi Dou xiang tao bi (Tao bi)
I even want to run away from My own shadow (Run away)

Baby 妳就是我的唯一 Baby Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
Baby, you're my one and only
兩個世界都變形 Liang ge shi jie dou bian xing
Both our worlds have been transformed
回去談何容易 Hui qu tan he rong yi
Going back-- it's easier said than done
確定 妳就是我的唯一 Que ding Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
I'm sure That you're my one and only
獨自對著電話說我愛你 Du zi dui zhe dian hua shuo wo ai ni
Alone, I say to the phone, "I love you"
我真的愛你 Wo zhen de ai ni
I really, truly love you
Baby 我已不能多愛你一些 Baby Wo yi bu neng duo ai ni yi xie
Baby, I can't love you more than this...

是否一顆星星變了心 Shi fou yi ke xing xing bian le xin
Can it be that a star has had a change of heart?
從前的願望 也全都被拋棄 Cong qian de yuan wang Ye quan dou bei pao qi
All the desires and wishes of the past Have been thrown away, abandoned
最近我無法呼吸 Zui jin wo wu fa hu xi
Lately, (I find) it impossible to breathe
連自己的影子 都想逃避(逃避) Lian zi ji de ying zi Dou xiang tao bi (Tao bi)
I even want to run away from My own shadow (Run away)

Baby 妳就是我的唯一 Baby Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
Baby, you're my one and only
兩個世界都變形 Liang ge shi jie dou bian xing
Both our worlds have been transformed
回去談何容易 Hui qu tan he rong yi
Going back-- it's easier said than done
確定 妳就是我的唯一 Que ding Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
I'm sure That you're my one and only
獨自對著電話說我愛你 Du zi dui zhe dian hua shuo wo ai ni
Alone, I say to the phone, "I love you"
我真的愛你 Wo zhen de ai ni
I really, truly love you
Baby 我已不能多愛你一些 Baby Wo yi bu neng duo ai ni yi xie
Baby, I can't love you more than this...

其實早已超過了愛的極限 Qi shi zao yi chao guo le ai de ji xian
I've actually long passed the limits of love...

Baby 妳就是我的唯一 Baby Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
Baby, you're my one and only
兩個世界都變形 Liang ge shi jie dou bian xing
Both our worlds have been transformed
回去談何容易 Hui qu tan he rong yi
Going back-- it's easier said than done
確定 妳就是我的唯一 Que ding Ni jiu shi wo de wei yi
I'm sure That you're my one and only
獨自對著電話說我愛你 Du zi dui zhe dian hua shuo wo ai ni
Alone, I say to the phone, "I love you"
我真的愛你 Wo zhen de ai ni
I really, truly love you
Baby 我已不能多愛你一些 Baby Wo yi bu neng duo ai ni yi xie
Baby, I can't love you more than this... 
Pin Yin and Translation Credit: tammiest

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Festival of lightS

~It's My BirThdaY~

Yupp2, i'm 24 now~~ wow~~!!

When looking back in my life, there are so many memories that i have had so many good ones and bad ones. But nonetheless they are still memorable memories for me. By being here til today, makes me think about all those people that has come n go in my life. Most of the them are the people that has made a big impact towards the me i am now.

Since it's my birthday~~ i got a special surprise from my special sum1~~ i know you all might be thinking that it's just lame.. but for me, this is the 1st time that sum1 other than my family member has done sumthing for me that will always be memorable~~

Anyways, after work i went over to my bf's place coz he wants to take me out to dinner so i went over n went straight into his house n headed for the kitchen coz i wanted to throw the rubbish.. along the way, i cursed at all the mess left over on the kitchen table. n i didnt actually notice that the surprise was there coz i didnt bother to turn on the lights until he turned on the light n there it was... my very 1st teddy bouquet~~!!! i was so happy to see it, n it was happy to see me too~~!! :P Anyways, after takin my Jo Junior, We went out to Tony Roma at MidValley to eat dinner~~ everything bout the night was so perfect~~!! N i really felt like i was being pampered~~~~ 

But of course the  night had to end so now i'm just typin it down here for my memory n other people to envy~~ >=D huhuhu..

I guess it really is true that someday, after all the pain we've been thru. we really find that special someone that would shoot down the moon n stars just to make u smile. n i am grateful to have him in my life~~

I LoVe YoU JoJo~~

Thursday, October 28, 2010

~~saying goodbye to princess darkness~~

it's now official~~ i am actually selling of my car~~

Although it would be great to actually repair my car.. however, it's now too old to do anything as it's already tired from all the labour work...

Being so excited to buy a new car, i totally forgot about my car. Now when i look back and think back of all the wonderful memories with that car, i feel like i can actually hear a part of my heart breaking, crumbling into pieces. All the great times and the bad times with my princess will be memories that can never be replaced.. even having a new car, it will never be the same...

Yes i know, some people might say it's just a car, but for me, it's my soulmate. it takes me places where no one has ever taken me.. introduced me to new people... and even made me go through a lot of difficulties...

One of the people that would also agree to this would be Myzz Hailie as she has been with me and princess from the 1st days i got my licence. We've been through a lot~~ the tears, laughter and even those crazy times when we would just be totally different people than who we actually are~~

So for me, saying goodbye is never easy... especially with the people and things that i am most grateful to have in my life... but i guess somethings just have an 'expiry' date... so goodbye will always come no matter how you try to stop it...

~~goodbye princess~~

Friday, September 24, 2010

~~ Manic MonDays or FreAky FriDays ?? ~~

today is a friday~~
ending of a working week~~
beginning of the weekend~~

so lets refresh the brain with some riddles~~

:: what am i riddle ::

The person who makes me has no need for me
The person who buys me doesnt use me
The person who is using me doesnt know
What am I?

what is the thing that eats everything and drink nothing?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

~~Thursday TodaY~~

I always give 100% at work:

13% Monday

22% Tuesday

26% Wednesday

35% Thursday

4% Friday

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~~My DeAresT Fren~~

Dis is dedicated to a certain sum1,

Dear J, 

Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for all the advice and all the time you spent worrying for me. I know that i might not have made a good impression on you, but i promise you i will do my best and keep looking forward. You have been there for me when i most needed a friend and you have put a smile back on my face when i am sad.

I know that i havent been a good friend so far since we've known each other. But i treasure our friendship so much! Since you have given me courage and a will to keep moving forward. i hope that i can do the same for you. I will look out for you just as you have for me.

Thanks, So mUcH for makIng a dIffEreNce in My Life

LotS Of Love, HugS n KiSsEs
Chartreuse Asteria Azure

Feeling depressed~~

Sumtimes when i'm feeling down, i always think of all the things that is negative in life.. i always start seeing things as if everything has gone wrong.. as if i took a wrong turn somewhere n i missed the turning to turn back.. but as i felt depressed and down, i had to keep moving forward.. Little did i know, i actually found a new door and a new turning up ahead.. with this new road i found that i had 2 options..

OPTION 1: to wait at the rest stop with hope that what is left behind to come here
OPTION 2: to just keep going down the road to see where it leads to

Up until today, i am stuck in the middle of the road wondering what i should do.. As i wait here, i found myself thinking of all the possibilities that could happen.. All the questions rise in my head.. WHAT IF??

WHAT IF, i decided to wait here all my life but in the end the one i am waiting for has chosen a different route?
WHAT IF, i move on but i just cant seem to let go of what has been left behind?
WHAT IF, i force myself to wait n in the end get back what i wanted? will it still be the same? or will it be diferent?

so many what ifs in my life that i feel so confused.. what should i do? how am i going to go through this?

Monday, July 26, 2010

~~ F A T E ~~

FATE what is it really?? Does it exist?? Is it something to be found?? Is it a feeling?? What is fate?? Does anyone know what it is?? Seriously, why do some people say that what happens in life is fate??

What i believe in is totally the opposite!! YES, fate is part of our lives.. but who is to say what is fated to be n not to be?? no one rite?? no one knows the truth about our future~~ we sometimes think that we just put our lives in the hands of fate.. but what does it actually mean?? do we just sit around and wait for something to happen??

We make our own fate.. we choose what we want in life n we go get it.. if we cant get what we wanted, maybe that is what is called fate.. but at least we tried instead of just putting our lives in the hands of fate..

for me, FATE is what WE MAKE IT TO BE!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some Ah Beng jokes~~

Ah Seng wants to make love with Ah Lian but he is afraid that Ah Lian will get pregnant, so he approaches his friend Ah Beng for advice. Ah Beng said "Aiya, very easy one lah. Nah, take this packet of condoms and follow the instructions, nothing will happen one." So Ah Seng takes the condom and at night makes love with Ah Lian. Two months later, Ah Seng comes to look for Ah Beng and tells him that Ah Lian is pregnant.
"Cannot be what, did you follow the instructions or not?" asks Ah Beng.
"Na -bei! Got lah. The box says "Stretch the condom over organ before intercourse, I got no organ, so I stretch it over my piano loh."


Ah Beng to a long-distance telephone operator:
"Could you please tell me the time difference between
Taipei and Las Vegas?"
Operator: "Just a minute......"
Ah Beng: "Thank You," and puts down the phone.


At a bar in New York, the man to Ah Beng's left tells
the bartender," JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE." and his
companion says, "JACK DANIELS, SINGLE."
The bartender approaches Ah Beng and asks," AND YOU,
Ah Beng replies:" Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."


After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on
quite for some time, Ah Beng proudly shows off the
finished puzzle to a friend.
"It took me ONLY FIVE MONTHS TO DO IT," Ah Beng brags.
"FIVE MONTHS? THAT'S TOO LONG," the friend exclaims.


Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt
Competition. During the Q&A segment, the host asks,
"Name a drink that begins with the letter 'G'."
The crowd shouts, "Gin! Gin!"
Others exclaim, "No it's Grape Juice!"
Another smart aleck yells, "Alamak, Gatorade!"
Host: "Quiet please."
Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before
replying, "C'mon man, you think I need your help? I
got more original answer: Guni!"(cow milk in Hokkien).


Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using
it when he encountered some problems. He decided to
use the 'Help' command.
After some tries, he became irritated and called the
computer retailer for support.
Ah Beng:" I pressed the 'F1' key for help...but it's
been over half an hour and still nobody has came to
help me???"
Computer Retailer:...............


In an English class:
Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"
Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother."
Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"
Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents mean cowboy's father
and mother. Also can say
Cowboy's father is Cow Pay and Cowboy's mother is Cow
Boo. So together we say Cow Pay Cow Boo (KPKB)."
Teacher fainted...............


Ah Beng with his two red ears went to his doctor. The
doctor asked him what happened to his ears and he
answered," I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring
loh but instead of picking up the phone, I
accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my
ear. So kena loh!" "Oh dear!" the doctor exclaimed in
disbelief. "But...what happen to the other ear?"
"Aiyah! That stoooopid dumbo called back!"


Ah Beng and Ah Seng rent a boat and fish in a lake
One day, they caught 30 fishes.
Ah Beng said to Ah Seng," Mark this spot so that we
can come back here again tomorrow."
The next day, when they were driving to rent the boat,
Ah Beng asked Ah Seng," Did you mark that spot?" Ah
Seng replied," Yeah, I put a big X on the bottom of
the boat,"
Ah Beng said," You stupid fool! What if we don't get
that same boat today !?!?"


Ah Beng and Ah Seng exited and locked the car in a
hurry, forgetting to remove the key which was in the
ignition. Realizing the mistake, Ah Beng asked," Why
don't we get a coat hanger to open it?"
"No, that won't work," answered Ah Seng." People might
think we're trying to break in."
Then Ah Beng suggested," What if we use a pocket knife
to cut the rubber, then stuck a finger in and pull up
the lock?"
"No," said Ah Seng. "People will think we're too dumb
to use a coat hanger."
The "kan cheong" Ah Beng shouted," We better think of
something fast. It's staring to rain and the sunroof
is open!!!"


Ah Beng serving his NS overseas and far from home, was
annoyed and upset when his girl Ah Lian wrote breaking
off their engagement and asking for her photograph
back. He went out and collected from his friends all
the unwanted photographs of women that he could find,
bundled them all together and sent them to her with a
note stating the following:
"Regret cannot remember which one is
please keep your photo and return the others."


Once Ah Beng , Ah Seng and Ah Lian went for dinner at
the Compass Rose at the top of the Westin Stamford .
After dinner, they went to the lift scanned the
buttons and couldn't find the button for the first
floor. Ah Beng suggested taking the stairs but Ah Lian
decided to press the lift button "G". They found
themselves on the first ground and Ah Beng remarked,
"Wah, you so smart, ah. How did you know this was
ground floor?" Ah Lian replied ," Aiyah so simple you
also dunno! G: stands for gero loh!"


One evening, Ah Beng and Ah Lian went to a lounge and
requested the DJ to play the song "Ah Cheng Buey Lo
Ti" (Ah Cheng buys bread). The DJ told them they only
played English songs and asked them to request another
song. They were upset and complained to the manager
that the DJ was insulting them. After many hours of
calming them down, the manager found out they were
actually requesting the Righteous Brothers song,
"Unchained Melody".


Ah Beng and Ah Seng went to a hawker centre. Ah Seng
noticed the hygiene grades issued by the Ministry of
Health pasted at each stall and asked Ah Beng, "Eh,
the 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' stand for what ah?" Ah Beng
snorted and said, "Aiyah, this sort of thing you also
dunno! 'D' stand for 'delicious', 'C' stand for 'can
eat', 'B' stand for 'buay sai' (cannot) and 'A' stand
for 'Alamak'!"


Long time ago, a rich Singapore tycoon wanted to know
how happy a man could be if he was given one wish. He
paid three people to test out his experiment. The
rules were:
1. Each person could only have one wish.
2. They will be left on a deserted island for 30
3. Food, but not liquor would be provided.
The first contestant, Billy Clinton (USA) asked for 30
prettiest PLAYBOY centerfolds: "So I can make the most
beautiful babies in the world."
The second contestant, Jon Major (UK) said, "I want 30
years' supply of booze."
The last contestant, Ah Beng (Singapore) said, "I want
30 years' supply of Saa-lim (Salem) cigarettes so I
can smoke until I song-song."
30 years later, the three contestants came back for a
press conference. Billy had with him 200 children and
30 estranged women. He remarked, "It has been a long
sexual experience for me and was wondering whether
anyone care to buy a child. I will even throw in the
mother for free!" Jon, hanging on to a bottle of beer,
was suffering from a hangover but he managed to utter
these words. "God save the Beer! The Queen can drink
seawater." The last contestant, Ah Beng, hugging onto
cartons of Salem shouted, "Ni na
beh! Buay kee gia lighter!!!" (@#$*! Forgot to bring


Last night, an incident took place at Boat Quay. What
happened was some idiot was trying to show off and
declared that he could swim across the Singapore
River. He jumped in and started swimming. But before
he could reach the halfway mark, he started to panic
and started to shout for help. Being typical
Singaporeans, a crowd started to gather to watch and
yet no attempt was made by anybody to save that poor
chap. Suddenly there was a splash and the crowd turned
to see a guy doing what seemed like a desperate
attempt to reach the drowning victim. It was clear
that this hero couldn't swim! Luckily a tongkang
filled with tourists was passing by and the operator
saw the incident and picked both men from the water.
The crowd cheered! Back on shore, the crowd cheered
again as the hero stepped off the tongkang. "Steady
lah!" and "Awright, man!" were among any
congratulations shouted. Ah Beng looked angry and
shouted "Ka ni na! Siang too wa loh chui?" (*%#@! Who
pushed me into the water?")


Ah Beng joined a quiz show and was asked to a name
three fruits whose names begin with "A". Ah Beng
immediately said "Apple...Apricot..." then he was stumped.
After a while, he finally shouted triumphantly, "Ang
Mor Tan!"


Ah Beng ordered a pizza and the waitress asked if he
should cut it in six or twelve pieces.
"Six, please. I could never eat twelve pieces."


How do you make Ah Beng laugh on Saturday?
Tell him a joke on Wednesday.


"Oh, look at the dead bird."
Ah Beng looked skyward and said, "Where, where got?"


Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends?
Because below 18 was not allowed.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spontaneus Q&A bout.. ~ ME!!

Name      : Nurul Aiman
Sisters      : ~NIL~
Brothers   : 3 Younger Ones
Shoe size  : 5 @ 6
Height       : 148cm
Where do you live : Current location -Jay Bee-

Have you ever been on a plane : yepp.. yepp..
Swam in the ocean : of course i have~
Fallen asleep at school : not really~
Broken someone’s heart : think i did once
Fell off your chair : nope..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : when i was younger
Saved e-mails : of course.. they're evidence

What is your room like : very cramped
What’s right beside you: an office chair
What is the last thing you ate : currently eating KFC
Chicken pox : when i was small
Sore throat : long time oredi
Stitches : never got stitches before
Broken nose : never!!

Do you Believe in love at first sight : of course i do!! duhh!!
Like picnics : hell yeah!!

Who was/were...
The last person you danced with : Mizz I-Ly
Last made you smile : My BF lorr~~
You last yelled at : I seldom yell at someone.. but i only yell @ my lil' bro~~

Today did you…
Talked to someone you like : i dont have anyone i like
Kissed anyone : nope nope
Get sick : not today~~
Talk to an ex : nope nope
Miss someone : Mizz I-Ly n Narry
Who do you really hate : Playerz n Boasters
Do you like your handwriting : not really
Are your toenails painted : not today~~
Whose bed others than yours you rather sleep in : my mum's or dad's coz it smells like them
What colour shirt are you wearing now : white with small red floral pattern
Are you a friendly person : definitely!! i get along with just about anyone!!
Do you have any pets : 5 cats, An Alligator Turtle, 2 Betta Fishes
Do you sleep with TV on : Only at my dad's
What are you doing rite now : doin this Q&A.. duhh!!
Can you handle the truth : even if i cant, i have to!!
Are you closer to your mother or father : i'm close to them all
Do you eat healthy : depends on my mood
Do you still have a picture of you and your ex : yupp2.. but its MIA somewhere
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : to either Mizz I-Ly or Narry
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : LOUD when needed, quite when unwanted
Are you confident : yepp2

5 things I was doing 10 years ago :
  1. Just came back from England
  2. Stayin at my grandma's house
  3. started to learn BM properly again
  4. made some new friends
  5. went to the library
5 things I would do if I were a billionnaire :
  1. give my mom n dad half of my Money
  2. Give some to my grandparents
  3. Build a house for charity (orphans n single mothers)
  4. Build a school for the poor only
  5. Donate to research facility for cancer n leukemia
5 of my bad habits : 
  1. Drive like hell
  2. sleep til late
  3. eat late
  4. on the internet a lot
  5. spend too much time talking on the phone
5 places I’ve lived/living :
  1. Denton, Texas, US (born there)
  2. Jay Bee, Johor (spent my baby years there)
  3. Exeter, England (spent childhood there)
  4. Kuala Lumpur (teenage years)
  5. back in JB
Bagi sesape yg baca survey,tlg la jawab ye...

Lets learn to laugh~~

Chu Kang ( PCK ) explaining sex to Chu Beng's son, Aloysius ..................

Aloy : Why is making love so enjoyable ?

PCK : Aiyah, ah boy, enjoyable becaws, same like when you dig your nose with your finger mah !

Aloy : Do you think women enjoy sex more than men?

PCK : Of course woman lah ! When you dig dig your nose, your nose feel better than your finger, right ?

Aloy : Why do women hate it when they get raped ?

PCK : Ai-yah ! Say, you walk along the load, den someone come over and dig your nose, you like or not ? Ehhh ? Don't pray pray ah

Aloy : Why is it a woman cannot have sex when she is having her menses?

PCK : Oy !! If your nose bleeding, you still go and dig meh?? Siow ah ! blain, use your blainnn ..........

Aloy : Why is it most men don't like wearing condoms when they are making love ?

PCK : Ehhhh, when you dig your nose ah, you like to dig with a glove on your finger or not ? Not the same shiok feeling mah. Corlight or not?

Aloy : Why is making love carried out in private ?

PCK : Ah boyyyyy, use your blain, use your blainnnnn . you go and dig your nose in flont of your whole class izit ?? Stupid lah!!

Aloy : Wah ...... Uncle Chu Kang, you are very good.

PCK : Aiyah ...... best in Singapore and JB, and some say Batam also ah !!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

~Another Day, Another Step~

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 10:55am

I am sitting in on a not so comfy office chair trying to figure out where i see myself 5 years in the future~~ What i see is 2 different version..

The 1st version, is a corporate version where i am working in the corporate world as an executive and living life large~~

The 2nd version i see, is me, the under-achiever workin day by day just to make ends meet.. 

**sighs** i sometimes hate the 2nd version i see, but it might happen.. who knows what will happen rite??? thats why i am trying my best at the moment in order to achieve something far greater than i could imagine~~

Thursday, January 28, 2010

**SiGhS** ~~WiNk2~~

It's a thursday afternoon and i'm thinking.. Maybe i should go shopping... herm.. **thinking** I am trying to channel my emotions towards something else other than food.. I'm stressed out and i seriously need to rethink everything... I just feel like screaming and throwing a tantrum, especially at home.. Everything is not making sense..!! ArGhh!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

LiViN iN tHe ShOeS oF.. WeLl, Me!! DuH~

Date: 19th January, 2010 
Subject: New Year

Dearest reader,

I am very sorry i havent been writin this for quite sometime now. i've only just gotten an idea what to write on for this new year. So here it goes...

This year, i have decided that there will be some changes in my life n have made up my new year resolution for 2010 n here they are..
  • To think before i actually do something drastic
  • To lose weight
  • To go far away for a holiday
  • To spend more time for my family
  • To have more money in my savings (more than RM10 of course)
  • Lastly, to not cry over a man coz he's just not worth it..
Therefore i will try my best n make sure i keep to what i want to achieve this year..


<3 AemmS <3